©  DESIGNA  2025
  • Proceedings

    Free Download at LABCOM.IFP/ARS 



  • News

    20141110 - Book of Abstracts + Programme
    20141101 - Final Programme 

    20140910 - Publication of the provisional Program  
    20140701 - Notification of authors of the accepted abstracts (51)   
    20140608 - Extension of deadline for submissions until June 15   
    20140608 - Proceedings for download (pdf) at LabCom Books

    20140331 - Call for papers launch.



  • Invited Speakers

    Associate Professor at the Department of Design and Multimedia, University of Nicosia. He has presented and published papers in journals and international conferences on visual communication, user interface design and multimedia. He has worked on projects funded by the European Union, UNOPS and the Research Promotion Foundation of Cyprus. He has served as a member in various academic and reviewing committees and has been appointed by the Hellenic Quality Assurance & Accreditation Agency as a member of the team for the external evaluation of Greek Universities. He also practices project management, art direction, graphic/packaging and user interface design professionally and has more than 20 years of experience in the field. He has been teaching in tertiary education since 1998 and he is the founder and creator of the BA program in multimedia. He currently holds the position of head of the Department of Design and Multimedia.

    Assistant professor at the Institute of Social Sciences – University of Minho. She has a PhD degree in Communication Sciences since 2013. She teaches in estrategic Communication and Advertising. Her research work is focused on the reconfiguration of advertising, its role in society beyond consumption and as a contribution to a better citizenship pratice. Areas of study include: advertising in the social sphere, behavioral advertising, nonprofit communication strategies, corporate social responsibility. She is also interested in: territorial communication, political communication and communication with respect to religion. She is CEO of B+ Communication, an advertising company created in 2002 and founder of Be True Programme for social responsability (2010). She is member of the board of a non-profit association and regular columnist in a national newspaper (since 2012). She has been ambassador of entrepreneurship, nominated by the European Commission (2010-2013).

    Master of Arts from the Royal College of Art, PhD in Communication Design from the University of Lisbon. Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts where he founded and directs the MA in Contemporary Typographical and Editorial Practices. Has a dual activity as a designer and artist, is graphic and typographic design since 1996 in his own office; exposes design and make performance, performing solo exhibitions and has participated in several group exhibitions.

    Artist who has exhibited regularly since the 90's. As a researcher is interested in the cognitive processes of the act of drawing and its specific character as a non-verbal mode of communication. He graduated in Fine Arts at the School of Fine Arts in Lisbon. Between 1989 and 1992 he lived in Berlin, where he specialized in Aesthetic and Artistic Communication, Hochschule der Kunst . Holds a PhD in Architecture (Visual Communication) and is Chairman of the Department of Design and Visual Communication and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon.

    Associate Professor in the School of Applied Arts (ESART) of the Polytechnic of Castelo Branco since 1999. Master in Theories of Art in 2002 at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Lisbon. PhD from the School of Engineering, University of Minho in the field of Textile Engineering - Branch of Management and Design. Researcher at CIEBA (Research Centre for Fine Arts), University of Lisbon. Teaches units in Fashion Design, Photography, Photojournalism and Advertising, Fashion Production, Theory and Practice of Design, Design History, Sociology and Culture of Fashion and Design Stage area. Coordinates the production of fashion shows, backstage and roullement collections of renowned designers (Katty Xiomara, Maria Gambina, José António Tenente, Luís Buchinho, Nuno Gama, Alexandra Moura, Dino Alves, Filipe Faísca, Júlio Torcato, Ana Salazar, Miguel Gigante, Anabela Baldaque) and some brands (Kispo, Concreto, Dielmar, Macmoda, Lanidor). Graduated in Art Direction for Fashion at Saint Martin's College of Art and Design.  

    During the night of July 4th 1975 I've decided to be born to this world.
    I suppose I must have been indecisive about it because the doctors took some minutes to convince me, since I was born dead.
    I've died more times during the next 39 years, but I was also born as many.
    I studied all the necessary years to get in College.
    I’ve got lost and found many times in Architecture School, but one day I was fed up with labyrinths and decided to study Design at the University of Aveiro.
    After finishing my academic path in the universities I decided I really wanted to learn.
    Learn new things…
    Experiment new things…
    … and most of all keep challenging myself with new projects that make me follow through unknown trails.
    Make-believes made with open heart and, most of the times, eyes wide shut.
    That’s how, almost by accident, I’ve got here.

    She graduated from Industrial Design at IADE – the Institute of Visual Arts and Design (Lisbon) in 2001, and obtained a Master of Science degree in Renewable Technologies from the New University of Lisbon in 2005. Ana started her professional career in 2001 as an eco-design researcher at the Portuguese National Institute of Technology and Innovation (INETI). In 2004, she was invited to be an Assistant Professor in the field of Design and Sustainability at the IADE (Lisbon). In the same year, she became the founding director of SUSDESIGN – Design for Sustainability Studio, Consultancy, Education, and Research, based in Lisbon. Since 2006, “Cork Design” has been Ana’s primary research subject, and she is the creator and director of “Design Cork for Future, Innovation, and Sustainability” (also the title of her first cork book), the first internationally applied design research initiative for cork innovation. In 2009, while developing her PhD studies at the Delft University of Technology, under the subject of “Cork Design” she become founder, design director, and resident product designer of the CORQUE DESIGN Brand. As a professional designer, Ana presented her work in several international initiatives and exhibitions around the World (Lisbon, London, Berlin, Milan, Porto, Helsinki, New York, Los Angeles, Shanghai, Tokyo, Hong-Kong, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo are some examples). 2011 was the starting year for SUSVISION – the first formal academic and professional network for “Sustainable Design” within the “Lusophony” (Portuguese-speaking) context, focusing on the specific socio-cultural and economical aspects of the Portuguese Speaking Countries, and using design as a “strategic innovation approach” in international collaborative projects. She is presently the Portuguese Coordinator for REGIO-CRAFTS – Regional Cooperation for Crafts Development, of the INTERREG European Commission initiative.  Ana has recently published in the “Journal of Cleaner Production”, the “Journal of Design Research”, and the “Pages of Art & Design Journal”, amongst other previous participations including the “Design Research Society” conferences and publications.



  • Presentation

    The theme that inspires DESIGNA’s 4th edition focuses on the bond between Design and Desire.

    The subject of Desire emerges explicitly in the public policies devoted to the arts and to the industry following the need to react to the competition of foreign products, more appealing to consumers.   The diversified offer of distinct products to a same function adds the need to outstand and persuade to the object’s intrinsic quality in order to make it comply with parameters such as identification and belonging, buying power, social status, gender and symbolic expectations.

    The subjection to Desire is an inexorable trend of capitalist societies’ dynamics, since this type of categories frame the equation of contemporary freedom of choice and individual expression.   Through Desire, Design bonds with communication and mediation, in a sort of metaphysics of the concrete in which the capacity to create, promote, consume and use goods and services tend to reconfigure the aesthetical experience.   The appeal to the imagination, or even pleasure, runs through Design’s every domains. Paradoxically, such appeal aims for a position of loyalty and linkage to which not even the electronic platforms or the new media can escape.

    Desire and imagination work as elaborate predication processes that reveal the individual’s cultural substrate through an uncountable number of narratives and fictions, sources of education and production of knowledge.

    Such cosmogony, connected with a certain epicureanism of contemporary life, may be able to question the humanities, as well as Design’s more technological dimensions, bringing together crossed perspectives on Design’s theory and practice, as well as on civic morals and body policies.   
    It is precisely to understand the relevance and the ways in which Desire projects, programs and constitutes itself (with)in Design that DESIGNA invites to the submission of communication proposals.



  • Book of Abstracts

    Programa + Book of Abstracts



  • Programme

    20141101 - Download Final Programme

    20 NOVEMBER 2014, Thursday - Anfiteatro das Sessões Solenes UBI 

      9:00  Reception and registration


    11:00  Keynote Speaker

    12:30  Lunch (free/non-institutional)

    14:00  Keynote Speaker

    14:30  Panel 1 - COMMUNICATION

    16:45  Coffee-Break

    17:00  Panel 2 - MULTIMEDIA 

    18:30  Round Table 

    20:00  Dinner (free/non-institutional)

    21 NOVEMBER 2014, Friday - Anfiteatro das Sessões Solenes UBI

      9:00  Opening   

      9:00  Keynote Speaker

      9:30  Panel 3 - PRODUCT

    11:00  Coffee-Break

    11:15  Panel 4 - FASHION (Auditório 2.12)

    13:00  Lunch (free/non-institutional)

    14:30  Keynote Speaker

    15:00  Panel 5 - THEORY

    16:45  Coffee-break

    17:00  Panel 6 - EDUCATION  (Anfiteatro 2.12)

    18:30  Showcase - Projects / ideas

    19:00  Closing Session



  • Call for Papers


    The organizing committee of DESIGNA welcomes the submission of original communication proposals with a seminal propensity under the generic theme 'Desire', to frame within the following sessions:

          1. Communication

          2. Multimedia

          3. Product

          4. Fashion

          5. Theory

          6. Education

    Abstract (.rtf, .doc or .odt)

    The proposals, to a maximum of 1000 words, written in Portuguese, English or Spanish, should include title, subject and its relevance, hypothesis or question that the author(s) wish to explore, conceptual framework and methodology, expected results and up to 5 keywords.



    The abstract must be submitted electronically through the submissions platform at DESIGNA’s website, which will assign it an identification code in order to guarantee anonimity when distributed to two peer reviewers.

    Arbitration criteria

    The scientific committee will decline all proposals that aren’t able to demonstrate relevance, originality and adequacy to the the theme and purpose of the conference.


    Publishing of the Proceedings / Full paper

    The full version of the paper corresponding to the oral presentation must be sent to the Organizing Committee until September 30th, 2014. The disregard for this deadline will result on the exclusion from the conference’s published proceedings. The paper must be sent by e-mail to designa.na.ubi@gmail.com


    The proposals that are not selected to integrate the thematic sessions as oral communications, but nonetheless meet the stated arbitration criteria, will be given the oportunity to enter the conference’s program as posters.

    Working languages

    Portuguese, English and Spanish.


    1. The call for papers deadline will not be extended.

    2. The proceedings publication in paper or electronic format does not suppose any additional costs to the conference’s registration fee.

    3. The submission of the full paper implies a tacit transfer of the publication copyrights to University of Beira Interior.

    4. Obtaining permission to publish the included images is a responsibility entailed to the authors.



  • Standards


    The extended abstract of the communication proposals, to a maximum of 1000 words, written in Portuguese, English or Spanish, must include title, theme and its relevance, hypothesis or question to be explored, conceptual and methodological frame, predicted results, references and five keywords. The abstract must be submitted electronically, until May 31st 2014, through the submission platform present at DESIGNA’s website (www.designa.ubi.pt), which will automatically assign it an ID code that allows its distribution to two scientific reviewers while ensuring the author’s anonymity.


    Once the abstract is accepted, the full paper corresponding to the intended oral communication and to be published in the conference’s proceedings, must be sent to the organizing committee until September 30th 2014, through the e-mail designa.na.ubi@gmail.com, following the procedures stated below:

    2.1 TEXT – One single text file, identified with the submission ID, saved in .rtf, .doc or .odt (.pdf is not acceptable) with minimal formatting and structured as follows: 

    - Submission ID / Registration number; 

    - Title of the article; 

    - Name of the author(s); 

    - Category; 

    - Institution;    

    - Identification of the panel;   

    - Abstract (in English; up to 1.000 characters);   

    - Keywords (max. 5);  

    - Full paper (up to 2.500 words), in Portuguese, English or Spanish;        

    - Any note must be listed at the end of the document and will be counted within the character’s limit;  

    - Image caption, indicating source/credits, must come at the end of the document or be placed where intended.

    2.2 IMAGES  

    Images (.jpg, .png, .tiff, .ai or .pdf) must be sent in separate files (max. 8) and identified with the same prefix of the text (the submission ID) and corresponding number, following the example: ID23-01.jpg,...


    The oral communication must be prepared to a 15-minute presentation at the conference (November 20th and 21st), in Portuguese or English. Any complementary visual/graphic presentation (e.g. PowerPoint) must be in English. It can be sent previously to the Organizing Committee (until November 18th) or delivered 5 minutes earlier to the beginning of the panel in a pen drive. 

    4. POSTER

    Posters will be exhibited in digital format (6 .jpg images / 6 slides, 30 seconds each), in a room adjacent to the conference (Sala dos Arcos). The material intended for presentation must be sent to the organizing committee until November 10th, to designa.na.ubi@gmail.com


    NOTE - The paper’s publishing, both in printed and in electronic version, is granted through the payment of the registration fee and will not imply any extra costs. The sending of these elements presupposes the tacit share of all the publishing rights with the University of Beira Interior; to all effects, the authors maintain intellectual property. The permission to publish the images is accountable to the author(s).



  • Registration

    The registration is made through the executive committee's e-mail - designa.na.ubi@gmail.com. To formalize the registration, it will be necessary to submit confirmation of the fee’s payment, as well as the following information:

    1. Full name

    2. Institution

    3. Profession - Occupation

    4. Communication - Poster ID (when applicable)

    5. e-mail

    6. NIF

    7. Address

    8. Students must attach proof of such status.


    PAYMENT - 
Bank transfer to 

    Universidade da Beira Interior 

    NIB: 0018 0003 2322 0304 0208 9

IBAN: PT50 0018 0003 2322 0304 0208 9



    General fee: 80 euros

    Students (undergraduate, graduate and PhD): 40 euros


    Contact for Registration 

    Catarina Moura (designa.na.ubi@gmail.com)



    The authors of an accepted communication or poster must pay their correspondent registration fee in order to: (1) Enter the official programme; (2) Receive documentation; (3) Obtain a participation certificate; and (4) Publish their papers on the Conference's proceedings.



    The Conference’s guests, as well as the members of the executive committee, or of any other of the event’s committees, are exempt of the registration fee.



    The Conference will be open to graduate and PhD students of University of Beira Interior, who may assist the works of the several thematic panels free of charge. Nevertheless, the non-payment of the registration fee won’t allow them to obtain documentation or presence certificate. To have them, the students must register and pay the correspondent fee.


    The registration fee does not include lunches or dinners.




  • Committees

    Scientific Committee
    Aidan Rowe . University of Alberta, CA 
    Alastair Fuad-Luke . Aalto University, Helsinki FI
    Alexandra Cruchinho . Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco PT   
    Ana Leonor Madeira Rodrigues . FA Universidade de Lisboa PT   
    Anabela Gradim . FAL Universidade da Beira Interior PT
    Anna Calvera . FBA Universitat de Barcelona ES
    António Delgado . ESAD Instituto Politécnico de Leiria PT
    Cristina Azevedo Tavares . FBA Universidade de Lisboa PT
    Catarina Moura . FAL Universidade da Beira Interior PT
    Carmen Bellido Márquez . FBA Universidad de Granada ES
    Denis Alves Coelho . FE Universidade da Beira Interior PT
    Elena González Miranda . FBA Universidad del País Vasco ES
    Emílio Távora Vilar, FBA Universidade de Lisboa PT    
    Fátima Caiado . FAL Universidade da Beira Interior PT
    Francisco Paiva . Universidade da Beira Interior PT  
    Heitor Alvelos . FBA Universidade do Porto PT
    Helena Barbosa . DCA Universidade de Aveiro PT
    Hélène Saule-Sorbé . FBA Université Bordeaux3 FR 
    Inmaculada Jiménez . FBA Universidad del País Vasco ES
    Jacek Krenz . FE Universidade da Beira Interior / UTGdansk PL
    João Paulo Queiroz . FBA Universidade de Lisboa PT
    João Sousa Cardoso . Universidade Lusófona do Porto PT
    Joaquim M. Paulo Serra . FAL Universidade da Beira Interior PT
    Jorge dos Reis . FBA Universidade de Lisboa PT
    José Bragança de Miranda . Universidade Nova de Lisboa PT 
    Josu Rekalde Izagirre . FBA Universidad Del País Vasco/EHU ES
    Madalena Rocha Pereira . Universidade da Beira Interior PT
    Maria da Graça Guedes . Universidade do Minho PT
    Mário Bismarck . FBA Universidade do Porto PT
    Paulo Freire Almeida . EA Universidade do Minho PT
    Paulo Luís Almeida . FBA Universidade do Porto PT
    Raul Cunca . FBA Universidade de Lisboa PT
    Rita Salvado . FE Universidade da Beira Interior PT
    Rui Miguel . FE Universidade da Beira Interior PT
    Sheila Pontis . UCL University College London UK
    Teresa Franqueira . DCA Universidade de Aveiro PT
    Urbano Sidoncha . FAL Universidade da Beira Interior PT 

    Scientific Coordination
    Francisco Paiva . Universidade da Beira Interior PT 



  • Contact Us


    Executive Committee
    Francisco Paiva . fpaiva@ubi.pt
    Catarina Moura . catarinamoura@gmail.com   

    Conference Secretary
    Mércia Pires    +351  275242023  / ext. 1201
    Faculty of Arts e Letters  
    Departament of Communication and Arts

    LABCOM - Online Communication Lab 
    Rua Marquês D'Ávila e Bolama  
    6200-001 Covilhã - Portugal (Map)

    website / facebook
    © DESIGNA 2014



  • Calendar

    March 31 - Call for Papers / Opening

    May 31 - Call for Papers / Abstract submission end  

    July 01 - Notification of acceptance

    September 30 - Full paper for the DESIGNA's Proceedings

    October 31 - Limit for registration of the authors

    November 01 - Full programme

    November 20-21 - Conference





  • Submissions


    Review & Program Committees:

    Program Chair: