©  DESIGNA  2025
  • Proceedings

    Free Download at LABCOM.IFP/ARS 

    DESIGNA 2018 TERRITORY Proceedings 
    Francisco Paiva, Catarina Moura (Eds.)
    Edition: University of Beira Interior / labcom.ifp 
    Collection: Ars
    Year of edition: 2018
    ISBN: 978-989-654-495-9 



  • Presentation

    DESIGNA 2018 - International Conference on Design Research
    November 29-30 . FAL-UBI . Covilhã . Portugal


    DESIGNA celebrates its 7th edition in 2018, choosing to promote the debate and provide visibility to the ongoing research regarding the connection between Design and Territory, as well as its multiple and complex dimensions. 

    Design not only interacts with Territory, but it can also be one of the latter’s crucial transformation agents, due to the sizable and significant part it plays in the appreciation of local resources and contribution to identify and reveal the history, culture and predicates of communities where several of the products and services it projects are, in fact, generated. Regardless, Design’s role understandably pivots around the conceptual innovation and renovation of products, production procedures, communication strategies and overall services associated with general goods. Thus, its focus could actually be quite efficient when altering the perception which distinct agents from a certain value chain may nurture about the potential of very diverse territories, particularly through its ability to integrate different scopes of human activity, from agriculture to tourism, craftsmanship to science, gastronomy to the industry. 

    Contemporary Design and the myriad of knowledge and values it encompasses may easily facilitate the dialogue, as well as integrate and explore multiple dimensions from historically underestimated individuals and communities, both locally and within more cosmopolitan spheres. Design changes people’s lives, alters routines, shifts expectations, opens markets and, most of all, has the ability to - through the thought and projectual action that defines its practices - connect production’s several dimensions with the ones from distribution and fruition, as much in a local as in a global scale, bestowing them with a cultural purport. 

    Also, it is in concrete territories that transformation opportunities are created, through the development of actions and projects that are able to answer, from bottom up and in a participated manner, to the complex issues and restraints emerging from the operative social-economical models with an increasingly hegemonic propensity. Design can undoubtedly contribute to build alternatives there. On the other hand, the duo Design / Territory summons the topics from DESIGNA’s previous editions, particularly the ones concerned with Projectual Hope, un/Sustainability and Identity, although multimedia interfaces and the overall components from desire and lapse can also be easily reflected and detected in it.

    DESIGNA’s 7th edition will also entail a few novelties, from an organic point of view. Its double blind peer review from abstracts and full papers will of course remain, but now under a renewed Scientific Committee. The decision to broaden the Conference’s Executive and Scientific Committees emerged from the need to effectively respond to the increasing support and adhesion from the extensive community of academics, researchers and designers that choose to participate in the event. We have launched the call for papers and projects, first as abstracts and afterwards in their final versions, in order to be able to print the Proceedings in time for DESIGNA’s dates. Departing from the 6 fields which, throughout its several editions, have given structure to the Conference, we have also defined an equal number of Working Groups / Thematic Sessions, each one supervised by a researcher from UBI / LabCom.IFP and assisted by an external delegate, in order to collectively shape the final program. 

    © DESIGNA 2018



  • Keynote Speakers


    Alastair Fuad-Luke is a facilitator, educator, and writer with expertise in design activism, co-design and eco-design. His books include Agents of Alternatives (co-edited), Design ActivismThe Eco-design Handbook andThe Eco-travel Handbook. He is currently Full Professor of Design Research at the Faculty of Design and Art at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, where he is engaged in local projects focusing on design and making, and a new regional project about design, art and agri-culture called What Could A Farm Be?

    Elena Formia is a Fixed-term Senior Assistant Professor at the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna’s Department of Architecture, Italy. Within this context, she is investigating, in a historical perspective, how ideas of futures were embedded in artifacts and/or in design projects. Her publications include articles in the Journal of Design History and the International Journal of Critical Cultural Studies and the books Storie e cronache del design (Allemandi, 2012, with Pier Paolo Peruccio) and Storie di futuri e design. Anticipazione e sostenibilità nella cultura italiana del progetto (Maggioli, 2017).



    Peter Hall is Senior Lecturer and Course Leader, BA (Hons) Graphic Communication Design at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London. His research focuses on mapping and visualization as critical and participatory practices. Dr Hall was previously Programme Director of BA Design and Design Futures at Griffith University Queensland College of Art in Australia (2012-15), Senior Lecturer in Design at the University of Texas at Austin, USA (2007-12), and Lecturer in Graphic Design at Yale School of Art, USA (2000-2007). His recent essays appear in the books Design in the Borderlands (Routledge 2014), Graphic Design Reader (Bloomsbury Academic 2018) and Encountering Things: Design and Theories of Things (Bloomsbury Academic 2017). His books include Else/Where: Mapping - New Cartographies of Networks and Territories (edited with Janet Abrams, 2006). He is co-founder of DesignInquiry, a non-profit educational organization devoted to researching design issues in intensive team-based gatherings, based in Maine, USA.



    Seçil Uğur Yavuz is a designer and researcher, working in the field of Interactive Product Design, e-textiles and Co-designing processes. She has a background in industrial Design and Product, Service, and System Design. She completed her PhD research at Politecnico di Milano, in Italy. Her practice-based PhD thesis focused on communicating embodied emotions through wearable technology. She is currently a research fellow and lecturer at the Faculty of Design and Art at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, in Italy, where she is conducting a research project called Co-story in which she has been developing Design tools and techniques aiming to conceive smart objects together with children.



    Designer and Associate Professor of the Fine Arts Faculty - Lisbon University. Visiting Professor at the Architecture Faculty - Sapienza Università di Roma. Member of several Scientific Commissions. Referee of the diid _disegno industrial industrial design journal, of MIUR and ANVUR, Italy. His scientific projects and articles are often published in national and foreign magazines. Exhibitions in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, USA, and Japan. Projects exhibited in the Portugal Pavilion - XXI Triennial of Milan and in the 5th Ibero-American Biennial of Design - BID 16, 2016. Author of the books: Territories Hybrids, UL-FBA, 2006, and The Magic of Polaroid - Raul Cunca Collection, Casa da Cerca, 2012. Coordinator of the Designesart Catalog - Local Identity and Global Design, IPCB, 2015.



  • Programme

                    Book of Abstracts / Full Programme PDF

    29 NOVEMBER 2018, Quinta-feira / Thursday 
                UBI, Faculdade de Artes e Letras

      9:00   Registo / Registration / Sala dos Conselhos
      9:30   Abertura / Opening Session / Auditório da Parada
    10:00   Keynote Speaker / Auditório da Parada  
                Alastair Fuad-Luke, University of Bozen-Bolzano IT  
    10:45   Café / Cofee Break   
    11:00   TS01.  HISTORY / EDUCATION / Auditório da Parada  
    11:00   TS02.  FASHION / TEXTILES 1 / Anfiteatro 2.12
    12:30   Almoço / Lunch 
    14:15   Keynote Speaker / Auditório da Parada  
               Elena Formia, University of Bologna IT 
    15:00   TS04. THEORY / METHODOLOGY 1 / Auditório Parada 
    15:00   TS03. INTERFACE / MULTIMEDIA 1 / Anfiteatro 2.12 
    16:15   Café / Coffee Break  
    16:30   Keynote Speaker / Auditório da Parada             
                Secil Ugur Yavuz, University of Bozen-Bolzano IT 
    17:15   TS05. COMMUNICATION / SERVICES 1 / Aud. Parada 
    17:15   TS06. Product / Industrial 1 / Anfiteatro 2.12 

                30 NOVEMBER 2018, Sexta-feira / Friday  
                UBI, Faculdade de Artes e Letras

    10:00   Keynote Speaker / Auditório da Parada  
                Raul Cunca, Universidade de Lisboa  PT 
    10:45   TS07. PRODUCT / INDUSTRIAL 2 / Auditório da Parada 
    10:45   TS08. THEORY / METHODOLOGY 2  / Sala dos Conselhos 
    10:45   TS09. FASHION / TEXTILES 2 / Anfiteatro 2.12 
    12:00   Almoço / Lunch  
    14:00   Lançamento de Livros / Book Launch / Sala Conselhos 
    15:00   TS10. INTERFACE / MULTIMEDIA 2 / Sala dos Conselhos 
    15:00   TS11. COMMUNICATION / SERVICES 2 / Anfiteatro 2.12 
    16:30   Café / Coffee Break  
    16:45   Keynote Speaker / Sala dos Conselhos  
                Peter Hall, University of the Arts, London UK  
    17:30   Sessão de Encerramento / Closing Session  
    The program will be structured by 6 thematic panels:  
    P1  Theory and Methodology;
    P2  History and Education;
    P3  Fashion and Textiles;
    P4  Multimedia and Interface;
    P5  Industrial and Product;
    P6  Communication and Services.



  • Papers / Projects

    DESIGNA 2018 invites for the submission of original communication or projects proposals, with seminal propensity, on the relationship between Design and Territory, to be framed in 6 thematic panels:

    P1 - Theory and Methodology 
    P2 - History and Education       
    P3 - Fashion and Textiles
    P4 - Multimedia and Interface 
    P5 - Industrial and Product 
    P6 - Communication and Services 
    ABSTRACT (.rtf, .doc or .odt) 
    The abstract must not exceed 2 000 words. It can be submitted in Portuguese, English or Spanish, and is expected to include a title and state the intended thematic and its relevance, the hypothesis or main issue the author(s) aims to explore, conceptual and methodological framework, predicted results (when applied) and up to five keywords. Each participant may submit a maximum of 2 proposals as main author; there is no limit to the number of proposals the participants may enter as secondary authors.

    SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACT until June July 15
    The abstract must be submitted electronically, until June July 15, 2018, through the submissions platform of the DESIGNA website (www.designa.ubi.pt), which will automatically assign an identification code to be distributed to three reviewers under the guarantee of anonymity.

    The review committee will review the abstracts as part of a blind review process, selecting those that demonstrate relevance, originality and appropriateness to the theme and purpose of the conference. It shall exclude tenders which do not meet these criteria.

    Authors whose communication proposal is selected will be notified of acceptance by July 31, 2018. / We are sorry about the delay of our notifications of acceptance. The approved authors may expect to receive them over the next few days

    The full version of the text of the Communication or the full version of the Project must be sent to the organization by September 30, 2018, according to the Norms of Submission on the conference page. Failure to comply with this deadline will result in the exclusion of the final publication of the proceedings proceedings. 
    Once received, the full article / project will be submitted for consideration by the Scientific Commission and will be notified to the authors by 15 October. These will have 15 days, until 31 October, to send the final version, to be published. 
    Proposals that are not selected to integrate the panels into the oral communication format but are still deemed to meet the minimum arbitration criteria indicated may integrate the conference program into the poster format. The date of submission of the posters is the one indicated for the submission of the complete articles / projects.    
    Portuguese, English and Spanish 
    1. The deadline for submission of communication proposals will not be extended. 
    2. Publication (on paper or digital media) of the book of proceedings does not imply payment of any additional fee, in addition to the registration fee. 
    3. The sending of the communications presupposes the tacit transfer of the publication rights to the University of Beira Interior. 
    4. Obtaining the authorization to publish the images integrated in the articles is the responsibility of the authors.



  • Calendar

    APR.15   Opening call for Papers and Projects
    JUL.15   Deadline for abstract submissions
    JUL.31   First Peer Review
                 Notification of acceptance /
    We are sorry about the delay of our notifications
                 of acceptance. The approved authors may expect
                 to receive them over the next few days

    SEP.30   Deadline for accepted full papers /projects submission
    OCT.20   Second Peer Review - Improvement recommendations
                 Final decision regarding full paper or project's acceptance
    OCT.31   Deadline for full paper's /project's final version submission
    OCT.31   Deadline for registration of authors with accepted proposal
    NOV.10   Disclosure of the Conference's final program 
    NOV.29   DESIGNA day 1
    NOV.30   DESIGNA day 2






  • Submission Guidelines

    1. SUBMISSION (Until 15 June July 2018) 
    The adequacy of the proposals submitted to the theme of this edition of DESIGNA (Design + Territory) constitute a fundamental criterion of acceptance and evaluation of the same. Submissions of Articles or Projects must be made electronically until July June 15, 2018, through the platform available on the DESIGNA website ("Submission" section), which will automatically assign to the author (s) an identification code, in order to to be distributed to three scientific reviewers. In order to guarantee the anonymity of the process, the file submitted should not contain any element of identification of the authors, otherwise it will be excluded. This information should only be provided when completing the requested data on the submission platform. Each participant may submit a maximum of 2 proposals as main author; there is no limit to the number of proposals the participants may enter as secondary authors.

    The Abstract of the Article, up to a maximum of 2000 characters (including spaces, title, bibliographical references and keywords), written in Portuguese, English or Spanish, must include title, theme and relevance to the Conference, hypothesis or question explore, conceptual and methodological framework, expected results (where applicable), between 3 and 5 bibliographical references and up to 5 keywords. This is considered an extended proposal, intended to give the reviewers with a clear perspective about the intended communication/essay.

    If the purpose is to submit a Project proposal, the abstract will correspond to the Descriptive Report and Justification, which should not exceed 1000 words (including spaces, title and keywords), also written in Portuguese, English or Spanish and including title , typology, synopsis, objectives, methodology, expected results (if applicable), final format of presentation intended, justification of its relevance in this Conference edition and up to 5 keywords.

    2. ACCEPTANCE [1st stage] 
    Until July 30th The author(s) will be notified about the acceptance of rejection of the submitted proposal(s).

    Once the abstract or the descriptive memory are accepted, their corresponding full paper and final project (or information about it), intended to be published in the Conference's proceedings, must be submitted until September 30th, through the e-mail designa@labcom.ubi.pt, in consonance with the following instructions: 

    3.1. TEXT 
    A single file, identified with the submission ID, saved in .docx, .doc, .rtf or .odt (.pdf files are not accepted), with minimal formatting and structured as follows:

    1. Submission ID; 
    2. Title;     
    3. Full name of the author(s); 
    4. Professional category; 
    5. Belonging institution; 
    6. Contact e-mail; 
    7. Identification of the intended thematic panel (Theory and Methodology / History and Education / Fashion and Textiles / Multimedia and Interface / Industrial and Product / Communication and Services), although it may change due to the Referee's recommendation ; 
    8. Abstract and 3 to 5 keywords provided both in english and, if different, the language in which the paper is written; this abstract can be different from the first one to be submitted, since it no longer has the need to provide an extended explanation of the essay's content; 
    9. Full paper (up to 10 000 characters), written in any of the working languages (Portuguese, English or Spanish);
    10. Abbreviated bibliographic references when included in the text (AUTHOR year: page number) and complete in the end (the final references are not included in the instructed character's limit); 
    11. Any footnote must be placed at the end of the paper, before the bibliographic references (included in the instructed character's limit); 
    12. Subtitles, indicating credits, must be put in the image's intended place, along with the corresponding image's ID.

    3.2. IMAGES
    Images must be sent in individual files (to a maximum of 8), identified with the paper's ID and numerated as in the following example: ID57-01, ID57-02, and so on. They may be saved in .tiff, .jpeg or .png, and the author(s) are required to take into consideration their necessary printing quality.

    The presentation and project's description may follow the indications presented above. However, if necessary, the corresponding files may be submitted in other formats and, if too heavy to be sent by e-mail, the author(s) can use platforms such as WeTransfer or similar to do so. In any case, the author must expect to receive an e-mail from the Executive Committee, confirming the reception. These files must also be saved with the submission ID. In case the project has a physical / material dimension, the author must submit up to 6 pictures able to fully illustrate it, following the instructions given above to save the files.

    Until October 15th, the Scientific Committee will proceed to the final peer review of the full papers / final projects and notify the authors about either their definitive or conditional acceptance (whenever improving aspects are recommended);

    Until October 31st, the final version of both papers and projects must be sent, to allow a timely printing of the Conference's Proceedings. Regarding Projects, we advise the submission of an extended descriptive memory for publication, accompanied by a set of up to 6 images able to fully illustrate it. Regardless of this written version, all projects can (if desired by the authors and allowed by the specificities of the object) be published in their original and specific formats (video, photography, infographics, and so on) in a space created at DESIGNA's website to that effect.

    All authors with an accepted paper or project must formalize their registration (following the instructions stated in 'Registration') until October 31st, thus confirming their presence at the Conference and inclusion in the final programme. In the cases of papers/projects with multiple authors, the payment of the registration fee is required only from the ones presenting and attending the Conference.

    The oral communication must be prepared (and not exceed) 15 minutes. It can be made both in Portuguese or in English, but considering the international character of the event, any visual/graphic complementary material prepared to show during the presentation (e.g. PowerPoint) will have to be written in English, as a mandatory condition for its exhibition. These files may be sent previously (until November 21st) by e-mail, to the Executive Committee, or brought by the authors in a pen-drive to be installed in the room computer before the beginning of each session. As a safety precaution, we always recommend this last option.

    8. PROJECTS  
    All the projects (whose format justifies it) will be exhibited in a contiguous space to the Conference running area. This material must be sent to the Executive Committee until November 20th, by e-mail designa@labcom.ubi.pt) or brought by the authors in the days of the event. The authors must also provide all the necessary information regarding the conditions required by each project to its exhibition.

    NOTE - The printed or digital publishing of the Conference's works does not require the payment of any extra to the registration fee. Submitting these elements presupposes the tacit sharing of all the publishing rights with Universidade da Beira Interior. To any effect, the authors maintain intellectual property over their work. They are also accountable for the publication rights of any of the provided images.



  • Submissions






  • Registration

    Registration must be made through the e-mail: designa@labcom.ubi.pt. The formalization of the process requires all participants to submit confirmation of the fee’s payment, as well as the following information:

    1. Full name;
    2. Institution, University, Department, Research Center, etc.;
    3. Professional occupation;
    4. Communication or Project ID, assigned by the submission's system;
    5. E-mail;
    6. NIF or Passport Nº, if applicable, to appear on the payment receipt;
    7. Address for issuing the payment's invoice;
    8. Students must attach proof of status.
    PAYMENT Bank transfer to: 
    ENTITY:   Universidade da Beira Interior

    BANK:     Santander
    NIB:        0018 0003 2322 0304 0208 9
IBAN:      PT50 0018 0003 2322 0304 0208 9


    100€ - General fee
     50€ - Students (graduate and PhD) and Fellowship researchers.

    Catarina Moura (designa@labcom.ubi.pt)

    The authors of an accepted communication or poster must pay their correspondent registration fee in order to: (1) Be included in the official programme; (2) Receive documentation; (3) Obtain a participation certificate; and (4) Publish their papers on the Conference's proceedings.
    Guest speakers and members from any of the Conference's Committees are exempt from any payment. Regardless, if any of the Executive or Scientific Committee's members have an accepted communication / project, registration is still required and they must submit the solicited information mentioned above by e-mail. UBI's professors, fellowship researchers and general employees (from all the Faculties and Departments) are also free to attend without any costs or need of registration (if they are not presenting a communication / project).

    STUDENTS  - If they don't have an accepted communication / project, UBI's students may have access to the Conference free of charges. - The non-payment of the registration fee won’t allow the students to obtain any documentation or require a certificate of presence, which would require the payment of a 20€ fee and registration by e-mail (following the instructions mentioned above). - If a student only wishes to have a certificate of presence, that requires the payment of a 3€ fee and registration by e-mail (following the instructions mentioned above).

    The registration fee does not include any meal.




    Afonso Borges, FAL Universidade da Beira Interior PT 
    Aidan Rowe, University of Alberta CA
    Alastair Fuad-Luke, University of Bozen-Bolzano IT 
    Alexandra Cruchinho, ESART I. Politécnico Castelo Branco PT
    Anabela Gradim, FAL Universidade da Beira Interior PT  
    Ana Margarida Ferreira, IADE Universidade Europeia PT
    António Delgado, ESAD Instituto Politécnico de Leiria PT
    Catarina Moura, FAL Universidade da Beira Interior PT
    Carmen Bellido Márquez, FBA Universidad de Granada ES  
    Daniel Brandão, ICS Universidade do Minho PT
    Daniel Raposo, ESART Inst. Politécnico Castelo Branco PT
    Denis Alves Coelho, FE Universidade da Beira Interior PT
    Elena Formia, DA Università di Bologna IT
    Elena González Miranda, FBA Universidad del País Vasco ES 
    Filipe Alarcão, ESAD Caldas da Rainha PT
    Flávio Almeida, IADE Universidade Europeia PT 
    Francisco Paiva, Universidade da Beira Interior PT 
    Gonçalo Falcão, FA Universidade de Lisboa PT
    Helena Barbosa, DCA Universidade de Aveiro PT  
    Isabel Cantista, Universidade Lusíada PT
    João Paulo Queiroz, FBA Universidade de Lisboa PT
    Joaquim Paulo Serra, FAL Universidade da Beira Interior PT 
    José Bártolo, ESAD Matosinhos PT
    Josu Rekalde Izagirre, FBA Universidad Del País Vasco ES 
    Jorge dos Reis, FBA Universidade de Lisboa PT
    Júlio Londrim, FAL Universidade da Beira Interior PT
    Mário Bismarck, FBA Universidade do Porto PT
    Mário Moura, FBA Universidade do Porto PT
    Miguel Carvalhais, INESC TEC, FBA Universidade do Porto PT
    Nuno Martins, IPCA Escola Superior de Design PT  
    Paulo Oliveira Freire Almeida, EA Universidade do Minho PT  
    Paulo Luís Almeida . FBA Universidade do Porto PT
    Raul Cunca, FBA Universidade de Lisboa PT 
    Renato Bispo, ESAD Caldas da Rainha PT
    Rita Salvado, FE Universidade da Beira Interior PT
    Sara Velez, FAL Universidade da Beira Interior PT  
    Secil Ugur Yavuz, University of Bozen-Bolzano IT    
    Sofia Leal Rodrigues, FBA Universidade de Lisboa PT 
    Sheila Pontis, UCL University College London UK
    Sílvia Barros de Held, EACH Universidade de São Paulo BR
    Oscar Tomico, Eindhoven U. of Technology NL / ELISAVA SP
    Teresa Franqueira, Universidade de Aveiro PT   
    Vanda Correia, ESTG Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre PT
    Vasco Branco, DCA Universidade de Aveiro PT 

    Francisco Paiva, Universidade da Beira Interior PT 



  • Organization


    Francisco Paiva, editor        fpaiva@ubi.pt

    Catarina Moura, co-editor   cmoura@ubi.pt 

    Rita Salvado                      lrbss@ubi.pt 

    Júlio Londrim                     jlscb@ubi.pt

    Afonso Borges                   aborges@ubi.pt

    Sara Velez                         sve@ubi.pt


    Sara Constante

    Francisco Paiva


    Mércia Pires      +351  275242023  / ext. 1201 

    Catarina Moura

    Cristina Lopes 


    Marco Oliveira 

    Édi Aires



    Faculty of Arts e Letters  
    Departament of Communication and Arts

    LABCOM.IFP - Communication, Philosophy and Humanities 
    I&D Research Unit Rua Marquês D'Ávila e Bolama  
    6200-001 Covilhã - Portugal (Map) GPS: +40° 16' 40.31" -7° 30' 32.30" 

     website / facebook  

    © DESIGNA 2018