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DESIGNA 2016 ERRO(R) Proceedings
Francisco Paiva, Catarina Moura (Eds.)
Edition: University of Beira Interior / labcom.ifp
Collection: Ars
Year of edition: 2016
ISBN: 978-989-654-361-7
DESIGNA - International Conference on Design Research, adopts ‘Error’ as a motto for its 6th edition.
Traditionally depreciated for embodying unsuccess, failure, deceit, incorrectness, ignorance or even nonsense, “error” has an unattainable speculative potential, if for nothing else by the way it opposes the almost hegemonic culture of progress and success, that so much inspires Design activities. We believe it to be a suggestive theme, not only for project but also for theory and criticism of similarity and difference patterns facing norm or expectation, central to the practice and training of designers.
Error reports to the action of wandering, deviation, deceit and uncertainty, but also to the illusion that allows the assumption of awareness and doubt capable of clarifying the purpose of a programme or project. Error has obvious costs, but it also has value.
In the field of Design, the meaning of error has been underestimated, since it entails a performative potential able to annul the stigma of failure that even religious scatology attributes it. Error opens to the unexpected, being able to unveil involuntary and surprising dimensions from a process or a subject. More than an absolute error, we think about the relative error. The error that does not diminish, but amplifies the processes’ possibilities. The necessary error.
Considering that error allows progression is a complex matter, almost paradoxical, demanding the exploration of multiple clues, answers and variables. It matters to know how error as an exception may count in the learning process, either by showing us the limits to the norm, or by being a necessary step to perfect or understand subjects whose contours escape a “truth”, revealing the unlikely capable to shake the most positivist mental frames, as much as corrections and amendments enhance the subject’s level of awareness regarding certain situations.
Although error allows the achievement of knowledge and experience, improving resilience, it remains in contemporary society as a paradigm for what it may or may not be done. The way one relates to error denotes, therefore, a person or community’s maturity and ability to deal with their cultural boundaries. Having different types of error, from the heart, the will, from action, and so on, only the ones who dare are able to fail.
Assuming this risk, this year’s DESIGNA appeals to critical looks over non-homologated design processes and objects, able to arouse strangeness, produce an analysis of the unconformity, uncertainty and failed intents encompassed by the world’s complexity.
NUNO SARAIVA - Illustrator, comics author, teacher and street artist. He is a frequent contributor to the Portuguese press, especially for newspapers Expresso, Sol, Público and Time Out Lisbon. It teaches illustration workshops and Comics in Ar.Co - Center for Art and Visual Communication, including political and erotic cartoon. El Corte Ingles award 2010. Jury at ICA - Cinema and Audiovisual Institute and various animation and illustration Film festivals. Volunteer in the Association Renew the Mouraria. Among his work highlights "Tip of Philosophy" (1995) and "All this is Fado", awarded Best Album BD 2016. Creator of the images for the Festas de Lisboa promoted by EGEAC. (®photo Vitorino Coragem)
RAQUEL ASENSI - Specialist in artistic ceramics by the UPV-EHU, worked in the known Galician porcelain factory Sargadelos. Her pieces have been exhibited in various galleries as Mutuo, Barcelona or Cosmos and presented in international exhibitions such as BLV-ART in Bilbao. Her design pieces cause a tension between form and content, appealing to intuitive and sensory processes and the extension body material. She develops research in contemporary art on the feminist perspectives in artistic practices. She received several awards and is part of the Juntas Generales de Bizkaia permanent collection.
O HOMEM DO SACO - Juan Yusta, Luís Henriques and Ricardo Castro - O Homem do Saco (The Bagger Man) is a collective workshop of typography, editions and prints located in Lisbon. As a rule (or without it), it mixes printing techniques: typography of mobile characters, serigraphy and engraving (without disdaining digital print or offset, in editions of greater circulation). They print posters, plaquetes and limited editions. In the work and in the editions of the various chancellas coexisting in O Homem do Saco (Landscapes d’Antanho, Pianola, Momo, Diário de um Ladrão, 100 cabeças, troppo inchiostro, O Homem do Saco, Edições do Tédio...) reigns the knowledge of liven and acquired experience.
SANDRA NETO - Degree in Architecture from the University of Lisbon; Master in Theory of Architecture from the University Lusíada; PhD from the University of Beira Interior. Urbanist in CCDR Algarve. Lecturer in Architecture and Design courses ISMTG and Design and Cinema, Audiovisual and Multimedia of the Lusophone University of Lisbon. Published research papers between articles and communications related to design creative, the Urban Planning and Design.
MIGUEL SANTIAGO - Director in the Master of Architecture in UBI. It CITAD investigator. It holds a PhD from the Technical University of Lisbon. She has books, articles and published work. It has guided numerous stages, several dissertations and PhD; organized and participated in all the conferences as well as at conferences and national and international workshops.
IDALINA SIDONCHA - Graduated in Philosophy from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon and PhD in History of Philosophy and Portuguese Culture from FCSH at Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She is currently researcher at LabCom.IFP and an assistant professor at the Department of Communication and Arts at the University of Beira Interior. She teaches curricular units assigned to various scientific areas and has devoted her research to the themes of Aesthetics, Philosophy of Art, Philosophy of Knowledge and Epistemology of the Sciences of Culture. She is the author of the book The Problem of Knowledge in Francisco Sanches, published in 2013 by INCM.
JORGE DOS REIS - Master of Arts from the Royal College of Art, PhD in Communication Design from the University of Lisbon. Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts where he founded and directs the MA in Contemporary Typographical and Editorial Practices. Has a dual activity as a designer and artist, is graphic and typographic design since 1996 in his own office; exposes design and make performance, performing solo exhibitions and has participated in several group exhibitions.
DANIEL RAPOSO - Communication designer and Professor of Design at the College of Applied Arts of the Castelo Branco Polytechnic Institute. Doctor in Design by the Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon, where he develops research Postdoctoral while CIAUD member; Master in Design from the University of Aveiro, with the dissertation "Management of Corporate Identity: from the sign to the code". Member of the scientific board of several international journals and conferences. Together with Joan Costa, coordinates the collection "Design, Communication and Advertising" of Dinalivro Editions. Has written books and articles on Visual Design and Corporate Image Identity and on typography.
* em actualização / updating (2016.11.21 - 19:29)
Conferência Internacional de Investigação em Design
International Conference on Design Research
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal
24 NOVEMBRO - Quinta-feira / NOVEMBER, 24th - Thursday
Venue: Auditório da Parada
Recepção e registo / Reception and registration
António Fidalgo, Reitor da Universidade da Beira Interior
Paulo Serra, Presidente da Faculdade de Artes e Letras
João Correia, Director do LabCom.IFP
Catarina Moura, Comissão Executiva
Francisco Paiva, Coordenação Científica
Nuno Saraiva - Errata: onde se diz "cliente", leia-se "censor"
WORKSHOP Venue: Sala 2.09 - Um saco cheio de erros - Oficina de cartazes - Pequena oficina de tipografia e de impressão em serigrafia com O Homem do Saco (participação limitada mediante inscrição prévia - informações:
EDUCAÇÃO / EDUCATION (parallel sessions) Venue: Auditório da Parada
Moderação / Moderation: José Domingues
Sandra Neto / Miguel Santiago - “A topologia informal do Erro no Desenho”
ID386 Dissonâncias entre o pensamento e a ação na construção de ambientes para futuros desejáveis: reflexões sobre demandas em design - Samantha Moreira, André Silva, Brasil
ID390 Cultura do erro: a transdisciplinariedade dos cursos de design e comunicação favorece a integração entre universidades e mercado - Nilton Arruda, Brasil
ID394 Estamparia artesanal: marcas de aprendizagem - Aymê Okasaki, Antonio Kanamaru, Brasil
ID411 Serendipitous Information and the Design Process: A Case Study - Ricardo Melo, Marta Santos, Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais, Portugal
ID427 Interferência da imagem ótica na perceção de um espaço - Paulo Freire de Almeida
ID436 Productos interactivos que potencian la motivación en el aprendizaje en procesos de diseño, bajo principios de gamificación - Luis Hernando Montoya, José Rafael González, Colômbia
ID454 Sprint Design Jam: an accelerated approach for design methodology learning in higher education - Luís Frias, Farley Fernandes, Portugal
TEORIA / THEORY (parallel sessions) Venue: Sala dos Conselhos
Moderação / Moderation: Francisco Paiva
Idalina Sidoncha - “Há Erro na Criação Artística? A resposta hollandiana”
ID377 O erro – entre o belo e o feio na Ilustração - Ana Albuquerque, Portugal
ID378 Design para a Inovação Social - Renata Gastal Porto, Brasil, Ana Thudichum Vasconcelos, Portugal, Rita Assoreira Almendra, Portugal
ID393 Reflexão sobre a criação de conhecimento em Design de Informação - Mécia Sá, Miguel Carvalhais, Francisco Providência, Portugal
ID406 ¿Diseños errados? Una cuestión semiótica sobre el diseño de sistemas de productos - Laura Fernanda Parra Sepúlveda, John Jairo Cardozo Vasquez, Colômbia
ID415 A relevância da infografia digital nos jornais online - Júlio Costa Pinto, Portugal
ID448 Nuestros primeros diseñadores: Pioneros del Diseño Gráfico en el Valle del Cauca (Colombia) - Diego Bermudez, Colômbia
ID449 A percepção simbólica da imagem - Karl Georges Gallao, Alberto Cipiniuk, Brasil
Lunch (free/non-institutional)
MODA 1 / FASHION 1 (parallel sessions) Venue: Auditório da Parada
Moderação / Moderation: Rita Salvado
Lançamento dos livros:
Espaços de Moda Geográficos, Físicos e Virtuais, com a presença de Isabel Cantista (Coordenadora e autora) e Caroline Loss (autora); e
Moda, Música e Sentimento, com a presença de Rafaela Norogrando e Alfonso Benetti (Organizadores e autores)
ID372 Tríade dos estudos de tendências: pensamento sistêmico, complexidade e transdisciplinariedade - Sandra Rech, Brasil, Valter Cardim, Portugal
ID373 A pesquisa qualitativa como processo para investigação de tendências - Sandra Rech, Brasil, Valter Cardim, Portugal
ID399 Erro: O não-reaproveitamento de resíduos de couro bovino e da tilápia no projeto de calçados - Bruno Palazzi, Caroline Almeida, Lara Dahas, Maria Rozimeire Augusto, Milton Galvani, Renata Tesoni, Tandara Hoffmann, Regina Aparecida Sanches, Maria Sílvia Barros de Held, Brasil
ID400 A assimetria na arte e na moda ocidental da virada do século XX - Luciana Iwamoto, Laura Mello de Mattos Anacleto, Maria Sílvia Barros de Held, Brasil
16:30 Coffee Break
Moderação / Moderation: Catarina Moura
ID407 Development of handcrafted fashion products using circular knit waste - Cristiane Eloisa Bertoluci, Francisca Dantas Mendes, Regina Aparecida Sanches, Brasil
ID408 Moda e Cultura Popular Paulista:Contribuições e Possibilidades" - Laura Ayako Yamane, Nelson da Silva, Maria Sílvia Barros de Held, Brasil
ID412 Cutura viva é o que se encontra no JAMAC por meio da estamparia manual - Nelson da Silva, Laura Ayako Yamane, Maria Sílvia Barros de Held, Brasil
ID417 Alfaiataria masculina em artigos de malha para deficientes físicos cadeirantes - Letícia Nascimento de Souza, Suzana Avelar Gomes, Cláudia Garcia Vicentini, Regina Aparecida Sanches, Brasil
ID420 Uso do “Body Scanner” no desenvolvimento de tabelas de medidas de corpo para idosas - Ana Maria Cardoso, Regina Aparecida Sanches, Brasil
ID421 Proposta de desenvolvimento de malhas fabricadas a partir de fios desfibrados de resíduo de denim e de poliéster reciclado de garrafas pet - Ana Luiza De Rosa, Cristiane Eloisa Bertoluci, Larissa Maria Ribeiro da Silva, Poema Lourenzo, Tais Remunhão, Wanderley Kawabe, Maria Silvia Barros de Held, Regina Aparecida Sanches, Brasil
PRODUTO 1 / PRODUTO 1 Venue: Sala dos Conselhos
Moderação / Moderation: Júlio Londrim
ID384 Tutoria Projetual no Design Industrial Orientada para a Singularidade e a Competitividade - Denis Coelho, Portugal
ID385 Productos híbridos. Un estudio de conceptos - Mario German Garcia Gonzalez, John Jairo Cardozo Vazquez, Colômbia
ID387 Iluminação e saúde: o efeito de céu estrelado na humanização dos espaços de tratamento - Ana Cristina Daré, Portugal, Wilson Sallouti, Brasil
ID389 Design e conspiração: gambiarras, subversões e outras desobediências - Cristiane Mesquita, Robson Santos, Brasil
ID392 Análise da Longa-Metragem “Inside Out” da Disney/Pixar - Relação entre Emoção e Design das Personagens - António Ferreira, Pedro Mota Teixeira, Nuno Duarte Martins, Daniel Brandão, Portugal
ID397 Identificación de atributos de género en el diseño y desarrollo de juguetes para la tercera infancia - Luis Carlos Pérez, Nelida Ramírez, Colômbia
16:00 Coffee Break
Moderação / Moderation: Afonso BorgesID398 Searching meaning through procedurality in computational artefacts - Miguel Carvalhais
ID404 Análise do storyboard na metodologia projetual do cinema de animação e dos motion graphics - Pedro Mota Teixeira, Nuno Duarte Martins, Daniel Brandão, António Ferreira, Portugal
ID430 Arte, artesanato e design em compartimentos estanques: ERRO - Maria Sílvia Barros de Held, Brasil, Fernando Moreira da Silva, Portugal
ID431 Proposta de procedimento para desenvolvimento de produtos sustentáveis têxteis a partir de sobras dos materiais de Micro e Pequenas Confecções - Fernanda Marinho, Regina Aparecida Sanches, Brasil
ID439 Sete Palheiras – estudo de caso para a preservação da memória e identidade cultural local através do multimédia - Filipa Matias, Jorge Brandão Pereira, Heitor Alvelos, Portugal
ID441 A dimensão imprevisível do trabalho de campo no design contextual e participativo: o caso do roubo da câmara de filmar - Daniel Brandão, Nuno Duarte Martins, Pedro Mota Teixeira, António Ferreira, Portugal
ID442 Chés — do desenho de uma cadeira “errada” ao desenvolvimento de um território simbólico partipado - Jorge Brandão Pereira, Heitor Alvelos, Portugal
ID450 O erro e o desafio da inovação: um estudo sobre a indústria do perfume - Daniela Ferreira, Maria Silvia Barros de Held, Brasil
Inauguração da Exposição / Inauguration of the Exhibition
FRAGAS FALANTES - Vinte Anos, Vinte Tipos de Letra (1996 - 2016)
SPEAKING STONES - Twenty Years, Twenty Typefaces (1996 - 2016)
Jorge dos Reis
20:00 Jantar / Dinner (Livre / Free)
25 NOVEMBRO - Sexta-feira / NOVEMBER, 25th - Friday
9:00 Opening
MULTIMÉDIA / MULTIMEDIA (parallel sessions) Venue: Auditório da Parada
Moderação / Moderation: Urbano Sidoncha
Convidado / Keynote speaker
Daniel Raposo - “Algumas lições a partir da análise de erros de Branding”
ID382 A utilização de fundamentos de Engenharia Kansei como proposta de gerência digital de referências criativas e de composição colaborativa de mood boards - Alex Maldonado Bernardes, Portugal
ID391 CGI system Error - Paschalis Paschalis, Chipre
ID405 O espaço da vitrine: um caso de estudo - Ana Cristina Daré, Portugal
ID456 Contributos de design para o desenvolvimento de um produto dirigido a indivíduos afetados por demência - Ana Sofia Esteves, Ana Filomena Curralo e Maria Isabel Amorim, Portugal
ID457 Nova estética Glitch - erro icónico - Flávio Hobo, Herlander Elias, Portugal
ID458 À procura do erro: apresentação de uma metodologia para avaliar o design de websites municipais - Valeriano Piñeiro-Naval, Espanha, Joaquim Paulo Serra, Portugal
13:00 Lunch (free/non-institutional)
PRODUTO 2 / PRODUCT 2 (parallel sessions) Venue: Sala dos Conselhos
Moderação / Moderation: Denis Coelho
Raquel Asensi - “Artefactos Cerámicos. Conceptos y procesos de una práctica artística feminista vinculada a la cerámica”
ID401 Lost in representation - Filipa Barradas, Portugal
ID413 Ferramentas de avaliação emocional aplicado ao design de mobiliário macio - Sonia Jaconiano, Joana Cunha, Bernardo Providência, Portugal
ID423 Colección de Objetos, desde lo semiótico y ritual - Daniela Castillo Gallego, John Jairo Cardozo Vasquez, Colômbia
ID432 Comportamento biológico e ausência de erro – uma taxonomia inspiradora de inéditas interações, experiências e comportamentos com artefactos tecnológicos - Pedro Bandeira Maia, Nuno Dias, George Stilwell, Portugal
ID444 Wandering With Textiles - Secil Ugur Yavuz, Itália, Rita Salvado, Pedro Araújo, Portugal, Nitzan Cohen, Itália
13:00 Lunch (free/non-institutional)
COMUNICAÇÃO / COMMUNICATION Venue: Auditório da Parada
Moderação / Moderation: Catarina Rodrigues
Jorge dos Reis - “Erro ortográfico esplendor tipográfico – as práticas artistas e projectuais na utilização errónea do alfabeto enquanto instrumento performativo”
ID383 O pós-funcionalismo no design de interação: uma discussão de conceitos sobre uma “estética de interação” - Alex Maldonado Bernardes, Brasil
ID395 Ausência e Erro de Identificação do Designer no Cartaz de Divulgação Artística - Ana Gaspar, Portugal
ID402 Visible music - Visibility of music groups strategies through audio branding - Juan Nicolás Vásquez Talero, Elingth Simoné Rosales Marquina, Colômbia
ID416 O design como ferramenta de comunicaçãoe e estimulador de experiências sensoriais - Sérgio Filinto da Silva Cunha, Pedro Faria, João Martins, Portugal
16:00 Coffee Break
ID425 O minimalismo como resposta ao excesso visual e mental no design de moda e nas errôneas formas de consumo - Caroline Meira Nunes de Almeida, Poema Lourenzo, Maria Silvia Barros de Held, Brasil
ID426 Visual Archives in Digital Newspapers: an approach to visual lexicon in an information visualization prototype - Marta Fernandes, Bruno Giesteira, Portugal
ID440 El desarrollo de los productos de diseño como proceso - Andrea Lucía Medina Gómez, Colômbia
ID447 Interpretación erronea de los conceptos de belleza expuestos en el diseño de juguetes - Ginna Constanza Urbano Pérez, John Jairo Cardozo Vasquez, Colômbia
MODA 2 / FASHION 2 (parallel sessions) Venue: Sala dos Conselhos
Moderação / Moderation: Cláudia Pedro
ID376 Contributos do design para o resgate da tradicional renda de bilros de Peniche - Isabel Bieger, Cristina Carvalho, Gianni Montagna, Portugal
ID422 Impressão com transfer sublimático: a falha como efeito gráfico - Liliana Bellio Vieira, Maria Sílvia Barros de Held, Brasil
ID428 Design de moda: do erro a uma alternativa sustentável - Camila Vitorino Marcelo, Rita de Cássia Lopes Moro, Francisca Dantas Mendes, Brasil
ID435 Ilustração de Moda, um relato da revolução digital ao retorno dos processos manuais de expressão - Lara Dahas, Maria Silvia Barros de Held, Ana Moreira da Silva, Brasil
16:00 Coffee break
ID437 Erro: o fazer artesanal isolado do design contemporâneo - “Kardume de Artesanato”/CE - Estudo de caso - Maria Sílvia Barros de Held, Brasil
ID445 Uma análise da comunicação entre uma empresa de moda e suas terceirizadas - Camila Vitorino Marcelo, Rita de Cássia Lopes Moro, Francisca Dantas Mendes, Brasil
ID446 Uma abordagem do Life Cycle Design aplicado na Manufatura do Vestuário de Moda em empresas do Brasil - Romy Tutia, Francisca Dantas Mendes, Lara Leite Barbosa de Senne, Brasil
ID455 Design e Erro na Moda – Utilização do Cobertor de Papa - Alexandra Cruchinho, Alexandra Moura, Paula Peres, Portugal
O Homem do Saco: Um saco cheio de erros - Resultados do Workshop - Luís Henriques, Ricardo Castro e Juan Yusta
Moderação / Moderation: Catarina Moura
Closing Session
The registration is made through the executive committee's e-mail - To formalize the process, it will be necessary to submit confirmation of the fee’s payment, as well as the following information:
1. Full name
2. Institution
3. Profession - Occupation
4. Communication - Poster ID (when applicable)
5. e-mail
6. NIF
7. Address
8. Students must attach proof of such status.
PAYMENT - Bank transfer to
Universidade da Beira Interior
BANK: Santander
NIB: 0018 0003 2322 0304 0208 9
IBAN: PT50 0018 0003 2322 0304 0208 9
General fee: 80 euros
Students (undergraduate, graduate and PhD): 40 euros
Contact for Registration
Catarina Moura (
The authors of an accepted communication or poster must pay their correspondent registration fee in order to: (1) Enter the official programme; (2) Receive documentation; (3) Obtain a participation certificate; and (4) Publish their papers on the Conference's proceedings.
The Conference’s guests, as well as the members of the executive committee, or of any other of the event’s committees, are exempt of the registration fee.
The Conference will be open to graduate and PhD students of University of Beira Interior, who may assist the works of the several thematic panels free of charge. Nevertheless, the non-payment of the registration fee won’t allow them to obtain documentation or presence certificate. To have them, the students must register and pay the correspondent fee.
The registration fee does not include lunches or dinners.
Scientific Coordination
Francisco Paiva . Universidade da Beira Interior PT
Scientific Committee
Aidan Rowe . University of Alberta CA
Alastair Fuad-Luke . Aalto University Helsinki FI
Alexandra Cruchinho . ESART I. Politécnico de Castelo Branco PT
Ana Leonor Madeira Rodrigues . FA Universidade de Lisboa PT
Anabela Gradim . FAL Universidade da Beira Interior PT
Anna Calvera . FBA Universitat de Barcelona ES
António Delgado . ESAD Instituto Politécnico de Leiria PT
Cristina Azevedo Tavares . FBA Universidade de Lisboa PT
Catarina Moura . FAL Universidade da Beira Interior PT
Carmen Bellido Márquez . FBA Universidad de Granada ES
Daniel Brandão . IPCA Escola Superior de Design PT
Daniel Raposo . ESART Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco PT
Denis Alves Coelho . FE Universidade da Beira Interior PT
Elena González Miranda . FBA Universidad del País Vasco ES
Emílio Távora Vilar . FBA Universidade de Lisboa PT
Francisco Paiva . Universidade da Beira Interior PT
Heitor Alvelos . FBA Universidade do Porto PT
Helena Barbosa . DCA Universidade de Aveiro PT
Hélène Saule-Sorbé . FBA Université Bordeaux3 FR
Inmaculada Jiménez . FBA Universidad del País Vasco ES
Jacek Krenz . FE Universidade da Beira Interior / UTGdansk PL
João Paulo Queiroz . FBA Universidade de Lisboa PT
João Sousa Cardoso . Universidade Lusófona do Porto PT
Joaquim M. Paulo Serra . FAL Universidade da Beira Interior PT
Jorge dos Reis . FBA Universidade de Lisboa PT
Josu Rekalde Izagirre . FBA Universidad Del País Vasco/EHU ES
Madalena Rocha Pereira . Universidade da Beira Interior PT
Maria da Graça Guedes . Universidade do Minho PT
Mário Bismarck . FBA Universidade do Porto PT
Miguel Santiago Fernandes . Universidade da Beira Interior PT
Nuno Martins . IPCA Escola Superior de Design PT
Paulo Freire Almeida . EA Universidade do Minho PT
Paulo Luís Almeida . FBA Universidade do Porto PT
Raul Cunca . FBA Universidade de Lisboa PT
Regina Sanches . EACH Universidade de São Paulo BR
Rita Salvado . FE Universidade da Beira Interior PT
Rui Miguel . FE Universidade da Beira Interior PT
Sheila Pontis . UCL University College London UK
Sílvia Barros de Held . EACH Universidade de São Paulo BR
Teresa Franqueira . DCA Universidade de Aveiro PT
Urbano Sidoncha . FAL Universidade da Beira Interior PT
Executive Committee
Catarina Moura . FAL Universidade da Beira Interior PT
Francisco Paiva . Universidade da Beira Interior PT
Executive Committee
Catarina Moura .
Francisco Paiva .
Conference Secretary
Mércia Pires +351 275242023 / ext. 1201
Faculty of Arts e Letters
Departament of Communication and Arts
LABCOM.IFP - Communication, Philosophy and Humanities
Rua Marquês D'Ávila e Bolama
6200-001 Covilhã - Portugal (Map)
GPS: +40° 16' 40.31" -7° 30' 32.30"
website / facebook
© DESIGNA 2016
DESIGNA 2016 invites the submission of original communication proposals, with a seminal propensity, thought from and within the connection between Design and Error, to frame in one of the following thematic panels:
1. Communication
2. Multimedia
3. Product
4. Fashion
5. Theory
6. Education
Abstract (.rtf, .doc or .odt)
The abstract must not exceed 2 000 characters. It can be submitted in Portuguese, English or Spanish, and is expected to include a title and state the intended thematic and its relevance, the hypothesis or main issue the author(s) aims to explore, conceptual and methodological framework, predicted results (when applied) and up to five keywords.
The abstract must be submitted until September 15, 2016 through the conference’s website ( The submission platform will issue each abstract an automatic identification code, in order to grant the anonymity of the peer review process.
The abstracts will be subject to a blind peer review process, through which the referees will select those that demonstrate relevance, originality and adequacy to the conference’s thematic and purposes. The proposals that don’t comply with these criteria will be excluded.
Notification to the authors
The authors with a selected communication proposal will be notified by September 25, 2016.
Full Paper Submission
The complete version of the paper corresponding to the communication proposal must be submitted until October 30th, 2016, following the guidelines included in the conference’s website. The disregard for this deadline will result in the paper’s exclusion from the conference’s published proceedings.
The proposals that are not selected to integrate the thematic sessions as oral communications, but nonetheless meet the stated arbitration criteria, will be given the opportunity to enter the conference’s program as posters. Nonetheless, posters will not integrate the final proceedings.
Working languages
Portuguese, English and Spanish.
1. The call’s deadline will not be extended.
2. The proceedings publication (both digitally and in paper) does not suppose any additional costs to the conference’s registration fee.
3. The submission of the full paper implies a tacit transfer of the publication copyrights to University of Beira Interior.
4. Obtaining permission to publish the included images is a responsibility entailed to the authors.
If you're arriving to Portugal through Lisbon, you'll have bus and train transportation. It's a 3:30 to 4 hour travel. These are the links to the websites, so you can check timetables:
Train (portuguese word: comboio):
Bus (portuguese word: expresso or autocarro):
In case you'll be arriving through Oporto, bus will be your only option. The distance to Covilhã is fairly the same.
There's also the possibility of renting a car at the airport, in case you prefer and find it more convenient. From Lisbon, the access to Covilhã is made through A1 and A23 freeways; from Oporto, through A1, A25 and A23.
Covilhã has some very affordable options to stay in. It's a small and safe town, and the University is at a walking distance of most of the hotels. Below there's a list of some of the options, all of them central and at an easy distance from the conference:
HOTEL SOLNEVEThese last two (Meliá D. Maria and Hotel Turismo) are not as near, so you would probably need to call for a taxi. All the others are at a walking distance of 10 to 15 minutes from the University.
If, when opening the link, you find they don't have the information in english, we suggest you try, inserting the name of the hotels.
The extended abstract of the communication proposals, to a maximum of 2 000 characters, written in Portuguese, English or Spanish, must include title, theme and its relevance, hypothesis or question to be explored, conceptual and methodological frame, predicted results, references and five keywords. The abstract must be submitted electronically, until September 15th 2016, through the submission platform present at DESIGNA’s website, which will automatically assign it an ID code that allows its distribution to two scientific reviewers while ensuring the author’s anonymity.
Once the abstract is accepted, the full paper corresponding to the intended oral communication and to be published in the conference’s proceedings, must be submitted to the organizing committee until October 30th 2016, through the e-mail, following the procedures stated below:
2.1 TEXT – One single text file, identified with the submission ID, saved in .rtf, .doc or .odt (.pdf is not acceptable) with minimal formatting and structured as follows:
- Submission ID / Registration number;
- Title of the article;
- Name of the author(s);
- Category;
- Institution;
- Identification of the panel;
- Abstract (in English; up to 2 000 characters);
- Keywords (max. 5);
- Full paper (up to 10 000 characters), in Portuguese, English or Spanish;
- Any note must be listed at the end of the document and will be counted within the character’s limit;
- Image caption, indicating source/credits, must come at the end of the document or be placed where intended.
Images (.jpg, .png, .tiff, .ai or .pdf) must be sent in separate files (max. 8) and identified with the same prefix of the text (the submission ID) and corresponding number, following the example: ID23-01.jpg,...
The oral communication must be prepared to a 15-minute presentation at the conference (november 24th and 25th), in any of the working languages. Any complementary visual/graphic presentation (e.g. PowerPoint) must be in English. It can be sent previously to the Organizing Committee (until November 21st) or delivered 5 minutes earlier to the beginning of the panel in a pen drive.
Posters will be exhibited in digital format (6 .jpg images / 6 slides, 30 seconds each), in a room adjacent to the conference. The material intended for presentation must be sent to the organizing committee until November 21st, to
NOTE - The paper’s publishing, both in printed and in electronic version, is granted through the payment of the registration fee and will not imply any extra costs. The sending of these elements presupposes the tacit share of all the publishing rights with the University of Beira Interior; to all effects, the authors maintain intellectual property. The permission to publish the images is accountable to the author(s).
Review & Program Committees:
Program Chair:
07/15 – 09/15 Call for Papers / Abstracts
09/25 Notification of acceptance
10/30 Deadline for full paper submission
11/10 Deadline for registration of authors with accepted proposal
11/15 Final Program
11/24-25 DESIGNA 2016
24th NOVEMBER, Thursday
UBI Auditório da Parada / Sala dos Conselhos
9:00 Reception and registration
10:00 Keynote - Nuno Saraiva
10:45 Coffee Break
11:00 EDUCATION, Auditório da Parada
Keynote - Sandra Neto / Miguel Santiago
11:00 THEORY, Sala dos Conselhos
Keynote - Idalina Sidoncha
13:00 Lunch (free/non-institutional)
14:30 PRODUCT 1, Sala dos Conselhos
14:30 FASHION 1, Auditório da Parada
Book Launching
16:00 Coffee Break
18:30 Exhibition opening
25th NOVEMBER, Friday
UBI Auditório da Parada / Sala dos Conselhos
9:00 Opening
9:30 MULTIMEDIA, Auditório da Parada
Keynote - Daniel Raposo
11:00 Coffee Break
9:30 PRODUCT 2, Sala dos Conselhos
Keynote - Raquel Asensi
11:00 Coffee Break
13:00 Lunch (free/non-institutional)
14:30 FASHION 2, Sala dos Conselhos
14:30 COMMUNICATION, Auditório da Parada
Keynote - Jorge dos Reis
16:00 Coffee Break
17:30 Keynote - O Homem do Saco
18:00 Closing Session