©  DESIGNA  2025
  • Proceedings



  • Presentation

    INTERFACE supposes, from a start, an interaction process. It’s a connection concept usually applied to informatics, electronics, arts and communication, progressively in a more virtual than material sense. Both an optical and a haptical phenomenon, eminently kinaesthetic, interface expands experience and enlarges the meaning of reality. It culturally stands for the multiple technological and meta-technological connections and mediations it operates, bringing opposites together: transparency and opacity, superficiality and deepness, linearity and complexity.

    The most common interfaces are based on visual elements that execute commands in any given system, software, network or display. They depend upon the user and transfer information among several domains in a platform, fixed or mobile. Interface design deals precisely with the development of methods, systems and objects thought to allow connection and communication among humans, with and through machines, usually using visual displays (GUI - Graphic User Interfaces) which articulate aesthetical, functional and technological components. Research has been evolving a great deal in this domain, allowing us to find references to interfaces in a literal as much as in a metaphorical or analogical sense.

    Being interface design an activity framed by several standards and conventions, it equally convenes the knowledge of the potential users’ cultural and educational background. Any interface has its own dynamic in the way it establishes and operates the transition or the commutation between needs and means, and it can be evaluated under the perspective of both designers and users on its efficacy and efficiency. The relevant parameters to that evaluation go necessarily through clarity and consistency of information and instructions. The concern with the functional and aesthetical aspects of the several devices has evolved to more tangible concerns, which although progressively related to screens, extend to the fields of communication and product design as well as to the several areas of expertise that collaborate or intervene in them with their specific competences.

    The idea of interface as mediation is, therefore, close to the one of infrastructure, network and ability to relate, transfer or condition information or energy, interacting with other systems or objects. In the age of cybernetics and electronics, in which new models of “presence” are rehearsed, interfaces catalyse connections between worlds that change reality and transform people. The majority of today’s human activities are almost interdependent and unthinkable without such hypertextual or hypervisual devices, simultaneously gatherers, distributors and generators of meaning as well as of individual and collective skills.

    Interface is, therefore, a polisemic concept able to reset the border between nature and artifice, collapsing the mechanic paradigm into a diffuse time-space continuum. In the adoption of interface as theme to its third edition, DESIGNA 2013 summons a spray of contributions coming from arts, design and architecture, giving them the possibility to intersect with other professional, scientific and technological domains.

    Maintaining its matrix, DESIGNA aims to debate this subject through six panels: Communication, Multimedia, Product, Fashion, Theory and Education, inviting to the submission of original ideas that will incorporate the final program as communication or project.

    We’re counting on you November 21st and 22nd, at University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal.



  • Program

    Download full timetable PDF here, version 2013.11.15

    21 NOVEMBER, Thursday - Auditório da Parada UBI 


      9:00  Reception and registration


    11:00  Coffee-break

    11:15  Keynote Speaker

    12:30  Lunch (free/non-institutional)

    14:00  Panel 1 - COMMUNICATION 

    16:30  Coffee-Break

    16:45  Panel 2 - MULTIMEDIA 

    19:00  Round Table 

    20:00 Dinner (free/non-institutional)

    22 NOVEMBER, Friday - Auditório da Parada UBI

      9:00  Opening   

    09:30 - Guest Speaker

    10:00  Coffee-break

    10:15  Panel 3 - PRODUCT (Anfiteatro 2.12)

    10:15  Panel 4 - FASHION (Auditório da Parada)

    13:00  Lunch (free/non-institutional)

    14:00  Guest Speaker

    14:30  Panel 5 - THEORY (Auditório da Parada)

    14:30  Panel 6 - EDUCATION  (Anfiteatro 2.12)

    17:30  Coffee-break

    18:00  Showcase - Projects / ideas

    19:00  Closing Party



  • Invited Speakers


    Christa Sommerer is internationally renowned media artist working in the field of interactive computer installation and design of generative systems. She is professor at the University of Art and Design in Linz Austria where She head the Department for Interface Culture at the Institute for Media. Sommerer originally studied biology (botany) at the University of Vienna and modern sculpture and art education at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna (masters degree). Sommerer completed her PhD degree from CAiiA-STAR, University of Wales College of Art, Newport, UK.

    Sommerer, together with Laurent Mignonneau, previously held positions at the IAMAS International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences in Gifu, Japan and at the ATR Media Integration and Communications Research Lab in Kyoto Japan. They also were visiting researchers at the MIT CAVS in Cambridge US, the Beckmann Institute, USA and the NTT-InterCommunication Center in Tokyo. Their works have been shown in around 150 exhibitions world-wide and are permanently installed in media collections and have won mayor international media awards, for example at the Ars Electronica Award for Interactive Art (Linz, Austria), the Interactive Media Festival 1995 (Los Angeles, USA), the Multi Media Award '95, Japan and the World Technology Award in London 2001. They have published numerous research papers on Artificial Life, interactivity and interface design and they lectured extensively at universities, international conferences, and symposia. Sommerer is an International Co-editor for the LEONARDO Journal, MIT Press and in 1998, together with Laurent Mignonneau, she edited a book on the collaboration of art and science called Art@Science, published by Springer Verlag Vienna/New York (ISBN 3-211-82953-9).




    Jorge Silva, 55 years old, specialist in design, editorial and art direction of periodic publications. He was art director for the Jornal Combate, between 1978 and 2003, and O Independente from 1991 until 2000, where he created and developed several refurbishments and graphic projects for new supplements and magazines. Did the project for the first magazine of economics Fortuna. Between 1998 to 2001 was creative director of Salão Lisboa, show of comic book illustration, organized by Bedeteca of Lisbon.

    By invitation of the direction of Público newspaper, created in 1999 the supplements Y and Mil Folhas, of which he made the direction of art in the years 2000 and 2001. In 2002 transitioned to the magazine Pública where he stayed until 2004. He was art director of magazines 20 Anos (1997-1998) and selected Ícon (1999-2001). In 2000 he was invited to the redevelopment of the literary magazine LER and in 2001 creates the atelier Silva!designers to develop magazine LX Metrópole, from Parque Expo. From 2007 to 2011 he held the Management functions of Art Publishing Group Leya. Is responsible for the blog http://almanaquesilva.wordpress.com which tells the stories of Portuguese history illustration. He teaches Art Direction for masters degrees at Faculty of Fine Arts in Oporto and teaches Design on the program Edition foor Children at the Catholic University, in Lisbon.



    Marta Borges (Porto, 1982) - Degree in Sound and Image / Digital Arts (UCP, Porto). Postgraduate in Digital Typography (ESAD, Matosinhos). A master's degree in Graphic Design and Editorial Projects (FBAUP, Porto). Works as a designer and communication (graphic, editorial, exhibition), web / mobile and multimedia. Trains since 2008/09 (ETG / Barcelos, IPCA; CESAE).




    Degree in Communication, Master in Videogames, PhD in Anime. Professor in Strategic Communication, Researcher at LabCom - Online Communication Lab in Film and Media at the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã. Author of one of the first books on cyberculture: Cyberpunk - Fiction and Contemporary. At this time he is dedicated to technology and Digital Branding and her most recent book, Post-Web publishing in FormalPress, is now available Amazon.com.




  • Committees

    Francisco Paiva . Universidade da Beira Interior PT

    Ana Leonor Madeira Rodrigues . FA Un. Técnica de Lisboa PT
    Anabela Gradim . FAL Universidade da Beira Interior PT
    Anna Calvera . FBA Universitat de Barcelona ES
    António Delgado . ESAD Instituto Politécnico de Leiria PT
    Cristina Azevedo Tavares . FBA Universidade de Lisboa PT
    Catarina Moura . FAL Universidade da Beira Interior PT
    Denis Alves Coelho . FE Universidade da Beira Interior PT
    Elena González Miranda . FBA Universidad del País Vasco ES
    Heitor Alvelos . FBA Universidade do Porto PT
    Fátima Caiado . FAL Universidade da Beira Interior PT
    Helena Barbosa . DCA Universidade de Aveiro PT
    Hélène Saule-Sorbé . FBA Université Bordeaux3 FR
    Inmaculada Jiménez . FBA Universidad del País Vasco ES
    Jacek Krenz . FE Universidade da Beira Interior / UTGdansk PL

    João Paulo Queiroz . FBA Universidade de Lisboa PT
    João Sousa Cardoso . Universidade Lusófona do Porto PT
    Joaquim M. Paulo Serra . FAL Universidade da Beira Interior PT
    Jorge dos Reis . FBA Universidade de Lisboa PT
    José Bragança de Miranda . Universidade Nova de Lisboa PT
    Madalena Rocha Pereira . Universidade da Beira Interior PT
    Maria da Graça Guedes . Universidade do Minho PT
    Mário Bismarck . FBA Universidade do Porto PT
    Paulo Freire Almeida . EA Universidade do Minho PT
    Paulo Luís Almeida . FBA Universidade do Porto PT
    Raul Cunca . FBA Universidade de Lisboa PT
    Rita Salvado . FE Universidade da Beira Interior PT
    Rui Miguel . FE Universidade da Beira Interior PT
    Sheila Pontis . UCL University College London UK
    Teresa Franqueira . DCA Universidade de Aveiro PT
    Urbano Sidoncha . FAL Universidade da Beira Interior PT



  • Book of Abstracts

     Download full DESIGNA2013 program



  • Registration

    The registration may be made through the contact of the executive committee (designa.na.ubi@gmail.com), submitting the following information:

    (1) Full name

    (2) Institution

    (3) Profession - Occupation

    (4) Communication - Poster ID (when applicable)

    (5) e-mail

    (6) NIF

    (7) Address

    To formalize the registration, it will be necessary to submit confirmation of the fee’s payment. Students must attach proof of such status.

    Payment information:
    Bank transfer to Universidade da Beira Interior
    NIB: 0018 0003 2322 0304 0208 9
    IBAN: PT50 0018 0003 2322 0304 0208 9

    General fee: 60 euros
    Students (undergraduate, graduate and PhD): 30 euros

    The registration fee does not include lunches or dinners.

    Catarina Moura (designa.na.ubi@gmail.com)

    AUTHORS The authors of an accepted communication or poster must pay their correspondent registration fee in order to: (1) Enter the official programme; (2) Receive documentation; (3) Obtain a participation certificate; and (4) Publish their papers on the Conference's proceedings.

    EXEMPTIONS The Conference’s guests, as well as the members of the executive committee, or of any other of the event’s committees, are exempt of the registration fee.

    STUDENTS The Conference will be open to graduate and PhD students of University of Beira Interior, who may assist the works of the several thematic panels free of charge. Nevertheless, the non-payment of the registration fee won’t allow them to obtain documentation or presence certificate. To have them, the students must register and pay the correspondent fee.




  • Standards

    Each oral communication must not exceed 15 minutes, in the language and with the resources considered appropriate by the authors. The graphic and audiovisual material may be previously sent to the Organizing Committee (until November, 20) or reproduced in the moment through the use of a pen-drive.

    2. POSTER 
    The posters will be displayed in multimedia format (6 images .jpg) or printed (A1) in a contiguous space (Sala dos Arcos). The digital slide show (each slide for 30 seconds) are separated by an interlude graphically normalized. The material should be sent until 20 November to the email: designa.na.ubi@gmail.com

    3. PROJECTS 
    The projects will be presented orally (10 min.) and displayed in multimedia format (6 images .jpg) or printed (A1) in the Sala dos Arcos by the authors in the Showcase. The material should be sent until 10 November to the email: designa.na.ubi@gmail.com

    The paper corresponding to the oral presentation must be sent to the Organizing Committee until 2013 December 31st. The disregard for this deadline implies the exclusion from the conference’s published proceedings. The full article must be sent by e-mail to designa.na.ubi@gmail.com 

     A single text file recorded with the submission’s ID, in .rtf, .doc or .odt (.pdf will not be accepted), with minimal formatting and structured as follows:

    - Submission ID / Registration number; 
    - Title of the article; 
    - Name of the author(s); 
    - Category; 
    - Institution;    
    - Identification of the panel;   
    - Abstract (in english; up to 1.000 characters, including spaces);   
    - Keywords (max. 5);  
    - Full paper (up to 10.000 characters, including spaces);        
    - Any note must be listed at the end of the document and will be counted within the character’s limit;  
    - Image caption, indicating source/credits, must come at the end of the document or be placed where intended.

    Images (.jpg, .png, .tiff, .ai or .pdf) must be sent in separate files (max. 8) and identified with the same prefix of the text (the submission ID) and corresponding number, following the example: ID23-01.jpg,...

    The paper’s publishing, both in printed and in electronic version, is granted through the payment of the registration fee and will not imply any extra costs. The sending of these elements presupposes the tacit share of all the publishing rights with the University of Beira Interior; to all effects, the authors maintain intellectual property. The permission to publish the images is the author’s responsibility. 



  • Media




  • Submissions


    Review & Program Committees:

    Program Chair:



  • Call / Papers

    The Call for Papers is closed. Thank you for you interest.


    CALL FOR PAPERS (Double blind referee)  PDF

    The organization of DESIGNA 2013 - International Conference on Design Research welcomes the submission of original communication proposals with a seminal propensity under the generic theme ‘Interface’, to frame within the following sessions:

    1. Communication

    2. Multimedia

    3. Product

    4. Fashion

    5. Theory

    6. Education


    Abstract (.rtf, .doc or .odt)

    The proposals, to a maximum of 1000 words, should include title, subject and its relevance, hypothesis or question that the author(s) wish to explore, conceptual framework and methodology, expected results and up to 5 keywords.



    The abstract must be submitted electronically through the submissions platform at DESIGNA’s website, which will assign it an identification code in order to guarantee anonimity when distributed to two peer reviewers.


    Arbitration criteria

    The scientific committee will decline all proposals that aren’t able to demonstrate relevance, originality and appropriateness to the the theme and purpose of the conference.



    The proposals that are not selected to integrate the thematic sessions as oral communications, but nonetheless meet the stated arbitration criteria, will be given the oportunity to enter the conference’s program as posters.

    Working languages

    Portuguese, English and Spanish.

    Oral presentation

    Each communication must not exceed 15 minutes, in the language and with the resources considered appropriate by the authors. The graphic and audiovidual material may be previously sent to the Organizing Committee (until November 19) or reproduced in the moment through the use of a pen-drive.

    Publishing of the Proceedings / Full paper

    The full version of the paper corresponding to the oral presentation must be sent to the Organizing Committee up to one month after the Conference (December 22). The disregard for this deadline implies the exclusion from the conference’s published proceedings. The paper must be sent by e-mail to designa.na.ubi@gmail.com

    The formatting of text and image files, as well as their sending, must respect the following standards:



    A single text file recorded with the submission's ID, in .rtf, .doc or .odt (.pdf will not be accepted), with minimal formatting and structured as follows:

    - Submission ID / Registration number;

    - Title of the article;

    - Name of the author(s);

    - Category;

    - Institution;

    - Identification of the panel (Communication, Multimedia, Product, Fashion, Theory or Education);

    - Abstract (in english; up to 1.000 characters, including spaces);

    - Keywords (max. 5);

    - Full paper (up to 10.000 characters, including spaces);

    - Any note must be listed at the end of the document and will be counted within the character's limit;

    - Image caption, indicating source/credits, must come at the end of the document or be placed where intended.


    Images (.jpeg, .png, .tiff, .ai or .pdf file)

    Images (max. 8) must be sent in separate files and identified with the same prefix of the text (the submission ID) and corresponding number, following the example: ID23-01.jpeg, ID23-02.tiff,...


    General fee, including authors - 60€

    Students (undergraduate, graduate and PhD) - 30€


    1. The call for papers deadline will not be extended.

    2. The publication in paper or electronic format of the proceedings does not suppose any additional costs to the conference’s registration fee.

    3. The submission of the full paper implies a tacit transfer of the publication copyrights to University of Beira Interior.

    4. Obtaining permission to publish the included images is a responsibility entailed to the authors.



  • Call / Projects

    The organization of DESIGNA 2013 - International Conference on Design Research, calls for proposals and ideas on the theme of Interface, to frame within the following panels:

    1. Communication

    2. Multimédia

    3. Product

    4. Fashion

    5. Theory

    6. Education

    We expect pluridisciplinary proposals from artists, designers, architects, students and other creative agents which may be able to explore the conference’s thematic from an innovative and original point of view, through projects, portfolios, performances, products or ideas.



    The proposals must be submitted by email (designa.na.ubi@gmail.com) until October 15th, integrating a brief and descriptive visual reference to molds of presentation.

    Selection criteria

    The scientific committee will consider all proposals on the basis of their relevance, originality and appropriateness to the theme and purpose of the conference.

    Working languages

    Portuguese, English and Spanish


    The display of these projects will take place in the main hall of the conference or in a parallel session, nearby. Visual projections should not exceed 10 minutes. If the project consists on a presentation or exhibition through a physical support, it should be delivered in A1 format modules or panels. The performances and special cases will be analyzed case by case.


    The full submission should be sent to the organization until November 10th, in order to appear in the official program. Failure to comply with this deadline will lead to the project’s exclusion from the conference proceedings.


    General, including authors - 60 €

    Students (BA, MA, PhD) - 30 €



  • Contact Us


    Comissão Executiva   
    Francisco Paiva . fpaiva@ubi.pt
    Catarina Moura . catarinamoura@gmail.com   

    Mércia Pires        +351  275242023  / ext. 1201
    Madalena Sena  +351  275242024 / ext. 1202

    Faculdade de Artes e Letras  
    Departamento de Comunicação e Artes 

    LABCOM - Online Communication Lab 
    Rua Marquês D'Ávila e Bolama   
    6200-001 Covilhã - Portugal  (view Map)   

    © DESIGNA 2013



  • Calendar

    06/15 - Opening of the Call for Papers

    09/15 - Deadline for the submission of abstracts

    09/15 - Opening of the Call for Projects/Ideas

    10/01 - Notification of acceptance

    10/15 - Deadline for the submission of projects/ideas

    10/31 - Deadline for the registration of accepted authors

    11/01 - Final program

    11/21-22 - Conference